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How to Fully Develop Characters with Autism Spectrum Disorder! Explained by UK Book Editor

Writer's picture: Chelsea ✨Chelsea ✨

Updated: Sep 1, 2022

How to Write and Develop Autistic Characters

Professional book editor in the UK details how to develop fictional characters with autism spectrum disorder to ensure that they're realistic, relatable and representative!

Have you read any novels that include characters with Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Do you know of any books that have characters with Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Can you list any fictional characters on the spectrum from any books you have read?

I think I know the answers to these questions:

  • You haven't unless you've sought them out specifically.

  • Nope, maybe one, at a push, two?

  • Again, nope, maybe one, at a push, two?

I can't force you to read or write books that include characters with autism spectrum disorder, but this fantastic community deserves more positive recognition within the fictional world. Maybe then, people on the spectrum wouldn't feel so alone, and more neurotypical people would understand them a little better.

With this in mind, I hope to spark some ideas of how to create lovable, relatable, and realistic characters who have autism spectrum disorder, while also leaving you with a myriad of questions to think about when doing so.

By the end of this post, you will hopefully have a clearer insight into how to write characters with autism, and how to fully develop a character in creative writing.

Character Creation Sheet

Everyone with Autism Spectrum Disorder is different. As said by Stephen Shore: "Once you've met one person with autism, you've met one person with autism."

As a result, some of the traits, actions, behaviours, and coping mechanisms I proceed to discuss may not resonate with you or relate to someone you know, but that's because everyone with autism is affected differently.

There may also be things in this article that you deem stereotypical, so I apologise if I cause any offence. My goal is to try and give people a broader understanding of the autism community and how best to provide them with a realistic voice in more books and literature.

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links, which means that I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you if you decide to make a purchase through the products and services I recommend. I only recommend things that I truly love and use, so I hope I can recommend something to you that you can love too! :)


Whether stereotype or truth, many people with Autism Spectrum Disorder speak and communicate differently to neurotypical people. Some may be extra talkative, some may only feel comfortable conversing with the ones they're familiar with, and others may not talk at all. Some may have more of an informal vocabulary, some may repeat certain things, and others may struggle with pitch and tone.

When creating your characters with autism, try to keep the following questions in mind:

  • Are they talkative? If so, with anyone or only those they know? Are they non-verbal? How do they communicate? Echolalia? Do they repeat words or phrases?

  • Are they more socially reserved?

  • What's their vocabulary like?

  • What's their tone like? Does it fluctuate, or are they quite monotone?

  • Is their processing speed slower than their friends? Do they struggle to get the words out sometimes? Do they need a little extra time to find the right words?

  • Do they often ask the other characters to repeat things to gain a better understanding? Do they repeat things back to the other characters to make sense of things?

  • Are they sometimes mistaken as being rude when they're just a little blunter than others?

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Demeanour, Mannerisms & Coping Mechanisms

Some people on the spectrum may carry themselves differently to neurotypical people, in their attitude, posture or body language, so it's essential to get this right when creating and describing your characters to make them believable. The media frequently portrays people with autism to rock back and forth when stressed, and while this can be a common coping mechanism, it's not the only thing that should be associated with the community.

Have a think about what effect autism has on the individual's everyday life and the people connected to them; for example, their family, their friends or their colleagues. Perhaps begin by thinking about the simple things like school for younger characters or shopping trips and social gatherings for older characters. How do they feel in these situations? What sounds do they hear? What smells do they face? What foods can they eat? What foods can't they eat? What have they planned for their journey? What routes do they take? How do they carry themselves when doing different activities?

Have a think about the following questions:

  • Are they relaxed when they move, or can they be quite rigid? Do they repeat specific actions?

  • Do they give other people eye contact? Do they avoid eye contact with only those they don't know?

  • What are their facial expressions like? Can they be blank a lot of the time or do their display their emotions easily?

  • Do they carry fidget toys (cubes, spinners, squishies) around with them to help keep the anxiety at bay?

  • Do they need certain aids (music, audiobooks, podcasts) to help them cope when outside of their home? Do they wear ear defenders when out and about to avoid sensory overload?

If you'd like to learn how to create an amazing protagonist or side character with autism and fully develop their personality, click here to access The Complete Character Creation Kit! You'll also get over 200 character creation questions to help you get to know them like friends!

Autism Savant

A small percentage of autistic people have an ability exceeding most others, which can be apparent in many topics.

For example, some common areas include being skilful at music, arithmetic, technology, being extra talented at art, or being able to name a day with speed and accuracy when given a specific date.

The autism savant may be a famous stereotype of ASD, but it is not as widespread as many people think.

When you're creating your characters who are part of the autism community, you need to think about this one with care. Is your character a 'savant' or are they one of the ones who are not? If they are - how? What can they do? How does it impact them, and how does their ability help them succeed? If not - what else are they good at? How can you display their abilities in other ways? How can you make them the hero of your story?

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Special Interests

Special interests are another common stereotype, but not all autistic people have them. However, those who do shouldn't be ridiculed, shamed, or feel the need to explain themselves.

If you are going to give your characters their own special interest, what will they be?

  • Do they adore a TV show so much they collect everything associated with it?

  • Do they love a particular animal so much they learn everything about it?

  • Do they keep these passions to themselves, or do they talk about them at every opportunity? Do they have tattoos that express their adoration?

  • Do they write books or blog about the things they love?

  • Do they discuss their passions on a podcast?

  • Do they attend societies or groups where other people share the same interests?

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I can't speak for all people on the spectrum, but some can have a very different sense of humour to neurotypical people. For example, some individuals with ASD may take banter literally, possibly feeling insulted as a result. On the other hand, others may not understand a comedian's jokes or puns when they're on stage; and many others may find it tricky to fathom what is sarcasm and what isn't.

These struggles don't mean that people on the spectrum have no sense of humour; they just find different things funny. Have a think about the following questions when creating your characters who are on the spectrum:

  • What is your character's humour like? Dry? Physical? Dark?

  • What makes them cackle?

  • Do they have a favourite comedian or is comedy not their thing?

  • Do they understand other people's jokes easily, or do they have to be explained sometimes?

  • Do they struggle with sarcasm and banter due to taking things literally?

Have you written a novel that includes amazing autistic characters but need a developmental editor to make everything perfect? At Stand Corrected Editing, I offer a professional developmental editing service that includes a FREE editorial report alongside. If you're interested, click here to get in touch with me and we can discuss how I can best help you!

Structure, Routine, and Organisation

Throughout the various lockdowns in 2020, my sympathy went out to people with ASD due to the certainty, routine and structure that had been taken away by the never-ending lockdowns. No one knew anything at the beginning, and no one really knew how long we'd all be in that state of limbo.

Since March 2020, there has been an increase of fear and anxiety surrounding Covid-19, but it's not just the global tragedies that cause these feelings of worry. Things that may seem small to neurotypical people, such as a bus being late, a misplaced item or a change of rules at work can cause chaos and panic for many people with ASD.

When writing your characters, think about whether they also need a routine to function in life.

  • Do they struggle without structure and routine? Do they have to plan things to feel comfortable and safe?

  • How do they keep a structured routine in life?

  • How do they react if their routine is disrupted? Do they have meltdowns? If so, what do they do during a meltdown?

  • How do they react when something messes with their expectations?


Like many people in the world, people with ASD struggle with anxiety for many different reasons, but having anxiety can be extra challenging for people on the spectrum. This doesn't undermine neurotypical people who also struggle with anxiety; it's just that people with ASD may not know how to process and therefore deal with theirs as easily as someone who isn't on the spectrum.

If your characters battle with anxiety, it may be helpful to think about what triggers it, if anything, and how they react to it physically and mentally.

  • Are there external factors that contribute to their anxiety? Uncertainty? Crowds? Loud noises? Social events?

  • Do they feel anxious all the time, or does it come and go depending on the situation?

  • Can their anxiety lead to anxiety attacks?

  • How do they feel when they are anxious?

  • What do they do when they feel anxious?

  • Do they lose concentration and dwell on the thing giving them anxiety? Does their anxiety affect their sleep or their appetite? Do they get dizziness, stomach aches or headaches due to their anxiety? Do they lose their patience for the things around them? Do they cry or get mad?

  • How do they manage their anxiety? Do they keep a diary? Do they take medication? Are they in the process of learning how to manage it?

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Despite all the areas writers and authors should focus on when writing characters with autism, it's important to display them as human beings while doing so. This may sound obvious, but when representing a community of people who may be entirely different to you, you need to do it right.

Although people with autism may have different traits, actions, behaviours and coping mechanisms, they still deserve to be presented realistically and be accepted by your other characters and the people around them.

The more inclusive people are, the faster we can gain a better understanding of others.


I hope you enjoyed this post on how to fully develop characters with autism spectrum disorder and a character's personality even if they're different from you!

If you're nearly ready to have your manuscript edited by a professional editor, I offer the following book editing services in the UK:

  • Developmental Editing

  • Line Editing

  • Copy Editing

  • Proofreading

Get in touch with me here if you'd like to work with me at Stand Corrected Editing.

Speak soon,

Chelsea x



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Hey! I'm Chelsea and I'm a professional book editor at Stand Corrected Editing, my editorial business in the UK. If you need professional book editing and proofreading services in the UK and are currently looking for a manuscript editor, please get in touch and we can get started today!

With my book editing and proofreading services, I hope to spread my knowledge and expertise on how to make your novel a success, and be a mentor to others who desperately want to pursue a fruitful career as an author!

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