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Why I Almost Gave Up on My Novel Before Becoming a Professional Book Editor in the UK

Writer's picture: Chelsea ✨Chelsea ✨

Updated: Dec 1, 2021

Did You Know I Almost Gave Up on Writing My Novel?

Professional book editor in the UK explains why she nearly binned her writing passion before journeying into the realm of book editing!

The writing struggle is tough - so tough that self-doubt, a lack of motivation and a limited knowledge on how to write and structure a novel can hold us back.

I know, I've been there, and it can be really shit.

But with the right mindset, the right information, the right strategies and the right tools, you CAN write a page-turning book that's worth querying, publishing and reading!

Novel Writing Course Online

After years of being consumed by self-doubt, I've learnt that the secret to writing a great novel is having the right tools at hand.

Yes, you need creativity, imagination and the desire to write upwards of 50,000 words, but if you have that, you're halfway there!

The other half comes from being in the KNOW - the know of how to structure and write a novel worth selling and reading.

By the age of 18, I had written a 63,000-word fantasy novel, but I had no idea how to edit or revise it into something worth reading, let alone prepare it for querying or self-publishing.

I struggled to give my manuscript the structure it deserved, and there were hundreds of plot holes unfilled.

I kept rewriting different scenes and chapters until I had rewritten the entire novel about five times, but I didn't understand why my story continued to be crap.

I'd put my novel down for months on end, reluctant to read it for the hundredth time, and even after I had the damn thing professionally edited, I still almost gave up on writing.

My mum would always ask me how the writing was going, and I would always sadly tell her that I had taken a break from it. She never wanted me to quit after all the work I had put into my fantasy world, and neither did I.

Thank the gods I didn't quit in the end.

Because now, I've returned to my fantasy adventure after so long AND I'm running an amazing editorial business that helps other writers with their stories. Feel free to check out my professional book editing services here!

Professional Book Editing Services in the UK

I love that Stand Corrected Editing attracts different writers with brilliant books - I feel really lucky to read your work before most others! ;)

If you're looking for professional book editing services in the UK, check out my website and feel free to get in touch!

Writing my fantasy tale over the years, earning my degree, and learning from other professionals has allowed me to discover EXACTLY how to continue with my writing AND help an abundance of writers too!

But many writers don't understand just how powerful learning from others really can be.

Because of this, I want to look at the way you're writing YOUR novel.

I want to point out some things you can fix so you can easily attract your dream literary agent or receive positive reviews as an indie author!

Is this something you would like to do together?

If you're fed up of staring at a blank screen all the time, completely done with not knowing whether you're heading in the right direction, get in touch with me here and we can discuss how I can help you! :)

Speak soon,

- Chelsea x



Hey! I'm Chelsea and I'm a professional book editor at Stand Corrected Editing, my editorial business in the UK. If you're looking for professional book editing services, please get in touch!

With my book editing and proofreading services, I hope to spread my knowledge and expertise on how to make your novel a success, and be a mentor to others who desperately want to pursue a fruitful career as an author!

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